
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The world is conspiring against me.

TBG and I had 5 Guys for lunch and those jalapenos on the burger are announcing their presence with authority.  I used to have a cast iron stomach.  As 60 draws near, it feels more like corroded aluminum.
Dr. Medine tried to make Ulysses accessible to a room filled with intelligent adults, all of whom had done the reading prior to class.  He'd read a page or two aloud, his accent shifting character by character, his voice lowering as Stephen's mind wanders, his delivery precise, his elocution superb.  At the end of passage he raised his head, said "Well..." and watched the room dissolve into laughter.

I know that James Joyce wrote Ulysses to be a puzzle, an encyclopedia, an ineluctable misery to the reader, but this is my fourth time through it and I'm still confused.
Elizibeth is playing a basketball double header this afternoon.  Her school is on the way home from class and Amster was going to have all the Littles (the blended-family-kids-younger-than-Elizibeth) and The Firefighter there to cheer her on.  I was cordially invited to join them and, for a moment, I thrilled at the thought. 

Then, I felt my hip reminding me that I'd been sitting for 3 hours in class and 1 hour to drive home through traffic and that stadium seating requires clambering up bleachers and that cowboy boots might not be the most appropriate footwear for a perforated person to wear while attempting that feat and then there are those jalapeno's working their way through the lining of my tummy...... 

I hope she understands.
The temperature is rising here in the desert, and I was looking forward to feeling just a little bit cold on my trip back East.  But, it was take-off-your-winter-coat weather in both Washington and Chicago and my sweater-lust was thwarted.  My nose never felt cold-tingly and my fingers and toes were toasty without boots or mittens.  The only up-side was that I'd forgotten my cute hat; I was sad that I'd have cold ears when I remembered on the out-bound plane that I'd left it at home.  As it turned out, I needn't have worried.  We had to drive out to the suburbs where Seret and Mr. Dreamy-Cakes' awaited us for dinner to see any accumulation of the white stuff.... and it was so old it was grey. 
I have been trying since I got home to upload my zoo pictures but my camera refuses to turn on.  I've changed the batteries - twice - and shaken it and yelled at it and it still refuses to show me that little green light.  I was going to end this post with a shot of a cheetah stalking the zebras in the adjoining habitat, with an appropriately adorable yet cynical caption.  Alas.
The world is conspiring against me.  All my problems are day-to-day, humdrum problems.  I don't really mind.  This kind of conspiracy I can handle.


  1. AB, it was lovely this past weekend in DC all the way up until last night. It was in the 70s yesterday. Very weird weather for this time of year. Today, it's rainy and cold.

    When the day feels like it's totally against you, that's when I just go back to bad and hope everything improves.

    Have a good one.

    Megan xxx

  2. Well, Megan, at least I avoided the rain. I am so happy to be able to focus on the everyday annoyances that life throws my way - I feel like I'm getting back to "normal"... whatever that means.

  3. It has been 60 degrees here in Bloomington for several days now, whereas last year at this time we had a terrible ice storm and frigid temps. Come back to visit us before the weather changes! xo

  4. I think this warm weather is certainly going through the country and no complaints. Although I wonder if we'll complain when the bugs are unbearable this summer....

  5. Just as a FYI I think all the cold is hanging out here in Paris. There's been tons of layering, bundling, muffling and whining about the cold and wind. It might be fun to wear that cute hat, but at a certain point you remember that THIS is why you live in California/Arizona...

  6. Wonderful Moments you shared.Great Information.And It was Quite interesting

  7. Thanks, Joseph, for stopping by and commenting. Glad you enjoyed your visit.


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