
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day at Amphi Middle School

They do Valentines Day up right at Amphi Middle School.
GRIN was there to make valentines.
$30 worth of supplies covered tables in the corner of the cafeteria.

And the kids loved it.

The 6th grade girls were the first visitors.
They made cards for favorite teachers.
They made cards for their BFF's
The boys were a harder sell....

but once his friend finished, well...
The grown up girls made them.
The ultra-cool girls made them.
Who I was and why I was there came up a time or two.

It was Nim's first day at AMS.
He arrived from Nepal over the weekend.
His translator has been here a lot longer and was in a hurry to get to lunch.
But Nim held his ground.
Please note Nim and Kathleen fist-bumping over his very first ever in his whole life what in the world is this holiday valentine.
His friend printed the message in English.

Welcome to America, Nim <3

Liz gave us a valentine right back.
It was our pleasure.

We had a great time.
Can't you tell by our smiles?


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pixs. What a treat to see all those lovely kids and GRIN.

    Thanks for sharing with us. :)

    Megan xxx

  2. What a wonderful thing to do! I loved Nim's story and YOU look terrific, girl!

  3. Nim is the cutest! What a great time for you all, that is truly the spirit of Valentine's Day.

  4. awwwwwwwwwww that is my school i was making a card for my parents but i never had my pic taken

    1. Well, Keanna, next time you see me with my camera ask for a photo and you, too, can be semi-famous in The Burrow :)
      (Miss Suzi)


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