
Monday, August 8, 2011

BlogHer '11

Little Cuter and I hobnobbed with the best of them this weekend.

We found a girl for her brother (you know who you are!) and spent hours surrounded by a host of women who completely got it, whatever it was at the moment.

We were inspired and uplifted and heartbroken and loved.

It was just about perfect. I wished that Christina had recovered from her wound and was able to join me. She'd have loved the hoopla and the attention and most of all she'd have loved the swag. I mean, really, what's not to love about cow pants:
There were, as always when you travel, some pieces that didn't go just right, but it was hard to complain when the temperatures were in the 70's and the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing and those crispy white fish street tacos were on the table in front of us.

Everything was very very very very very... well, you get the picture, far away from everything else. Kinda sorta like we used to say that everything at Cornell was uphill... from everything else. I trudged football fields of pavilions and ballrooms and hallways. Little Cuter pointed out the connection between adrenaline and my ability to locomote. When I was jazzed, I was motoring. When I was tired, I limped. I took advantage of the pink walkway before the horrible flight of stairs between the hotel and the Convention Center to wallow in self-pity. That was really enough. I left my troubles there.

I was interviewed and I watched others be interviewed and I got a chance to tell my story of instant fame.

It was a grown-up special interest camp. It even had yoga. And we got to keep the mats. Thank you, Pfizer. We really did pfeel pfine all day long:

But now I am exhausted, depleted, feeling the altitude and the schlepping of bags through the airport. Dinner is on its way and my feet are going up on Douglas. I'll be back tomorrow with another episode in the exciting adventures of Ashleigh, the Intrepid Conference-Goer.


  1. Glad you are home safely and had a good trip. Get some rest. Those breezes and temps in the 70s sound good as I am still in the hot and muggy swamp here--kind of like Little Cuter's graduation. xo

  2. Lovin' the cow pants. So cute. I've been reading on BlogHer all weekend. So many amazing writers.

    Glad you had fun and felt loved. You deserve it. You are a brilliant writer.

    Rest and get refreshed. We will be waiting to read more adventures from Ashleigh.

    Sending a virtual hug.

    Megan xxx

  3. Pfantastic! Isn't that the loveliest spot? There's a little park across from the Convention Center that has a particular condo group overlooking it...I have my eye on that for the day my ship realizes its been headed the wrong way for two years and decides to steam back into harbor.

    Right on down the way, in the harbor I'd like to steam into, the HMS Rose is docked. That's the very ship they used to film "Master and Commander." The bell onboard is the very bell that opens the movie; I ring it with just the right touch and timing. We make a pilgrimage annually to stand on the decks and salute Captain Jack Aubrey.

    In fact, I'll do so in just over a week. So wish I'd been there with you. Got to hop over to Meg's and see what she has to share. Meanwhile, rest up, honey and welcome home.

    August 8, 2011 1:56 PM

  4. You! Were such a force at BlogHer '11, Ashley. I am so excited to have met you and Little Cuter and for the girl-moments and belly-laughs we shared.

    "Special interest adult camp" was the Pfabulous phrase to describe our experience.

    Though next year I expect some brands to be sending a couple pairs of jeans (sans bullet holes) your way - eh hem, Lee Jeans, are you reading...

  5. OK... if you get me the jeans by typing that comment I will know for sure you are THE GIRL :)

    Nance, Little Cuter and I walked into that park for the Tucson meet-up and we loved every single step of the journey. And then we walked back. And then to the Convention Center and NO we did not jog up the steps :) So wish you'd been there.

    Meg and Laura: I love you both, too.

  6. It sounds like you BOTH had a great time! Good for you! :)

  7. I am bereft we did not hug at BlogHer! I was in the back of the room for your panel and had to dash to the facilities toward the end and I lost you in the crowd!

    You did an awesome job and I was so heartened to see how good you looked and how razor sharp you wit was! I'm so glad you had a good time and felt empowered by the experience. It was a good one for me this year, too!

    xo Meg


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