
Friday, June 10, 2011

A Mother's Love

Monarto Zoo Lion Cub

Little Cuter was in a funk.  She clicked on and she was smiling.

I'm going to spend some time today staring at these two.

I'm not going to think about Congressional members (sorry, I couldn't resist ... the fingers just kept typing away.....)

I'm not going to worry that I'll never stop lumbering.

I'm going to think about motherhood and slurping away troubles and I think I might just take G'ma out to lunch and let her smile at me and take away my woes.


  1. Smashing idea. We need regularly scheduled soft stuff breaks from all the hard stuff.

  2. You are sooooo right, Nance. I just cannot be so wrapped up in what's wrong. I need to create what's right. G'ma, here I come!

  3. Have a lovely day with G'ma. You deserve it.

    ♥ the pix!

    Megan xxx

  4. All very good ideas!! Hope they serve to keep you in the pink, so to speak.

  5. Motherhood, slurpinmg and "lumbering" are all good....because they all remind us we're alive and moving....even if slowly.....but we're moving......LOVE,LOVE,LOVE baby animals..... they do make us smile!! :>)

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