
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gabby's Out

I read the good news in an email from an editor at BlogHer who saw it on Twitter and wondered if she could pay me to write about my thoughts.  

Once I pulled myself off the ceiling and stopped grinning so hard that I couldn't see past my puffed up cheeks I typed back a very happy Yes! and started thinking about recovery and leaving the hospital and who I am and what is left for us to do and it didn't take me very long at all to create this post.

I can't cross post it so that you can read it here, but I can give you a sample to tempt you to actually click through and read the whole thing on BlogHer.  There's nothing to sign up for, no cookies installed on your machine, just one more step to read what I wrote.

I'd post something else here except Gabby being released from the hospital is exactly what I want to tell you about today and my best work is here.

Here's your teaser:
Rehab exposed me to a different kind of pain. It's not broken bone pain or nerve damage pain, at least not just those kinds of aches. It's all that and more, because it shouldn't have happened to us and it did and it's wrong and I want it to just go away right now. There's an emotional overlay that a regular hip replacement wouldn't have. I keep telling the world that it is askew ... it's not listening.
Click on this sentence and read the whole thing.


  1. AB, that was lovely and I think you are right about having to keep looking forward. It's alright to look back and see how far you have come, but it's important to not lose sight of the fact that you are at home where you are loved. I was so happy yesterday when I heard that Gabby was able to go home. Even hubby, who isn't as emotionally tied to this like I am, said something to me about it.

    It means so much to so many people that you and others survived and are able to go home. It's a testament to the resilience of life. Although, it also makes me sad 'cause I think about those six souls that didn't get to go home.

    You, Gaby and the others will improve. You are all surrounded by love and that will help you with your recovery that much more.

    Sending hugs,


  2. Excellent post (as so many of yours are) and I, too, was elated when I heard that Gabby had been released. I had never heard of her before January, but she (and you) will always be on my radar now. I continue to wish both of you the best of everything.

  3. I am grinning too. So happy for Gabby, and you too. May your recovery continue. All the best.

  4. It's a lovely, lovely piece of writing. Well done!
    And on the hard work of recovery too. We are all rooting for you, and for Gabby. Small, sustained forward steps, with lots of stops to smell the flowers. xox

  5. Grinning, smiling, soaking in best wishes.... thank you all.

  6. Awesome. I thought about you when I read that Gabby was going home.
    Your story continues to amaze me. Your determination inspires me.

  7. Ashleigh, I am so in awe of your spirit. I didn't even realize that you had commented on my blog. Thank you and my hugs go out to you. I am a fellow Cornellian too.

  8. I read this on BlogHer the other day; so happy to read this and see Gabby's photos! P.S. Are you going to speak at BlogHer this year in the Room of Your Own series? As always, you are an inspiration!

  9. Yes, Meg, I'm speaking with Sarah Stanley from Nerdy Apple Bottom on Sudden Fame.

    Yes, Judi, I've been lurking at your blog for a long time... I guess the Cornell connection is a strong one.

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