
Friday, March 11, 2011

Healing Through Music

Alice Cooper posed for pictures.  Jackson Browne hugged me.  Graham Nash thanked me for being there.

It was quite a night.

Second row from the stage, on the end, my wheelchair and Concert Buddy and I grooved and rocked out and sniffled.  I did a little sobbing and lots of hugging; Concert Buddy was amazed at the number of people who felt the need to touch me.  

The woman who saved my life by staunching my leg wound found me and embraced me and shared the love over Little Cuter and SIR's engagement.  Mavy introduced me to her grandson - her date for the evening since her husband died at the event which was the genesis for this concert.  Ozomatli on the stage; dead friends in our hearts.

It was quite a night.

I had my own personal security guard - a moonlighting US Marshal who had seen me the day before at the Federal Courthouse.  We agreed that this was much more fun.  He transported me safely back and forth from the arena to the Hospitality Suite to the after party.

Yes, the after party.  With our credentials lanyarded around our necks, Concert Buddy and I drank Perrier and ate mesquite cake with David Crosby and Joel Rafael and paparazzi and Dr. Ponytail.

Yes, Dr. Ponytail and Dr. Mrs. Ponytail were there, too.  Turns out she was the anesthesiologist for my second surgery.  We laughed about my irritated uvula and discussed pain control and it was almost like a regular evening with friends.  Except that Graham Nash was telling a joke 10' away from us.  

Alice Cooper is a very nice man.  Polite, charming, well-spoken and kind.  He didn't wear his makeup, nor did he dismember any living things.  He came to the Hospitality Suite before the concert began and posed for pictures - lots and lots and lots of pictures - and he never looked stressed or annoyed or anything except glad to be there.  I've never hung out with Alice Cooper before; I'd recommend it highly if you get the chance.

Ron Barber is Gabrielle Giffords' District Director and he conceived the idea for this concert while lying on a bed in the ICU.  The man was shot in the groin and in the face and he spent his time thinking of how to make something good come out of the situation.  It's no wonder that he has such a spectacular family

These are his granddaughter's feet, festooned with remembrance bracelets which were too big for her arms.

My little phs camera wasn't up to the task, but these are the best of the photos I took.  As you look at them, keep this picture in your heart
Ruben Morena of Luz de Luna
That is me with the mariachi who sang to me at the UMC Memorial Garden on January 12th.  Can't you feel the love?

Jerry Riopelle (right)
Joel Rafael
Joel Rafael, Graham Nash, David Crosby
Dar Williams
Jackson Browne & Dar Williams
Sam Moore (of Sam and Dave) 
Lights on Jackson Browne
Jackson Browne and Luz de Luna Mariachis
(Should you be inclined to donate to the Fund for Civility, Respect and Understanding Click Here . And thanks to Brother Type for the tiny url)


  1. Flipping awesome is what I think. I have a bunch of friends who were able to go last night. It sounds magical.

  2. We loved it, too, even without meeting celebrities, and were happy to be able to support the cause. Reminded me of seeing Alice Cooper for the first time 38 years ago during my freshman year of college with my then-boyfriend, who was from Detroit and obsessed with Alice. We even named our two cats Alice and Cooper. So glad you could go and have fun! xoxoox

  3. Looks like you had one super~duper evening! So glad your getting out! My new puppy's name is Cooper. Hope you have a great weekend and make ooodles of progress...debbie

  4. I was out til 12:30am :) It's nice to be a party animal once again!

  5. AB, love the pixs and Ron's idea for a fund for Civility, Respect and Understanding. Was amazing that so many turned out. And to see Alice Cooper without his make-up must have been way fun. I'm glad you had a good time. You deserved it.

    Megan xxx

  6. Jackson Browne hugged you. Now, I have to forward this to all my bad boy buddies from the early seventies and do some name dropping. You forgive me, right?

    David Crosby, who wrote the soundtrack for my life in '71, comes now to serenade yours. But did no one else get pictures of you there?

    Sister-girl, life is strange.

  7. You look really really good in that picture. Glad you had a fun evening.

  8. When Crosby and Nash sang Guinevere I was transported back to my hippy-dippy days. When they dedicated it to Christina-Taylor's family I sobbed.

    Life is certainly strange - hugs from mariachis and rockers and out til the wee hours... all because I got shot.

  9. To have a day to get through in the courtroom, to make it through that, and to have a day of concert amid hugs and tears and wonderful music. Keep healing, within and without.

  10. Here I am now caught up. During the past week or so Marilyn would ask me, "Did you read Burrow's blog?" I think she disapproved when I would tell her that I haven't turned on the computer. So yesterday I made it up to her by printing a picture of you for her that I found by Googling. She is your staunchest fan and reads your words daily. You inspire her.

    And I suspect that you inspire so many others -- others that read and don't comment, or perhaps like my wife and don't know how to comment. It is easy to understand.

    You see I've always considered you special even way before what I call The Horror. Now you prove it over and over. Thanks.

  11. I am jealous! What a wonderful idea and event! I saw David Crosby years ago in Seattle before he sobered up performing in a small lounge. He arrived VERY late and was visibly not happy to be performing for us, pretty bad! Always loved his music, though, and glad to see him contribute to such a cause!

  12. I am loving the fact that you all seem to feel as if you were there, too. Just the names conjure up a memory, a specific song, a place, a time....

  13. Your smile in the picture with Ruben Morena says it all. Peace, Julie

  14. What a great evening! I was reminded of 25 years ago when my not yet husband and I attended a Jackson Browne concert holding hands. Glad it was everything you hoped for!

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