
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vistas (chapter 2)

Thanks to Little Cuter, I don't have to think this morning. 

My aches and pains move around randomly.  Sometimes it's my mid-line seam, sometimes it's the exit wound on my thigh, today it's my lower back.  Exercising is a good thing.  Less numbness is a good thing.  The tingling and throbbing which result from exercise and less numbness.... not so much.

Sitting still and typing requires being able to reach the keyboard.  Right now there's not a comfortable connection between Nellie-the-Notebook and my forearms.  I can't lean it on my abdomen today and I can't sit at the desktop.  I don't want to take pain meds if a simple change of position will alleviate the sensation.  But I do want to write to you.

Enter Little Cuter and her fancy-schmancy camera and cloudy late afternoons in the desert.  Following on the heels of yesterday's post about vistas, these photos seem to fit right in.

I'll be back tomorrow at about noon with something of more depth.  For now, enjoy the scenery:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are lucky to have that one around... with or without the camera!
    Beautiful photos. Beautiful vistas. Beautiful spirits.

  3. Pretty views. Is that Camel Back Mountain? Stayed at the Camel Back Inn Resort several times. Pretty place. Pretty sunset...debbie

  4. Gorgeous! Thanks, LC. And thank you, A/B.

  5. That top picture is absolutely stunning!!! Hope you are feeling better each day!

  6. Excellent vista with the Camel Back Mountains (?) in the background. Now. I understand why you choose Tucson, AZ. with the vista. Coming from the East Coast (NYC,Concrete Jungle,etc.) it makes sense why you like your view.
    However, being a native Pacific Northwest person I will still take the view of the Pacific Ocean from the Washington State coastline over the Arizona Vista right now. But the Vista ranks second with me in beauty, etc over everything else in the United States.
    Finally, great photos. Thank you A/B & LC. Sending positive vibes your way.

  7. My husband grew up in Phoenix and I grew up in southern CA and visited Tucson and Phoenix many times. There is such beauty in the desert. Glad you shared these photos today.

  8. Sorry to hear you're having a tough day. Recoveries seem to come in fits and starts. When the spousal unit broke his pelvis it often seemed like 3 hops forward, then 2 back. Sunsets in Tucson are truly magnificent.

  9. Living with the vistas that Tucson provides is a tough job but someone has to do it. :-) Lucky us!

    Healing hurts. Feeling stuff beats the alternative all to heck. Sending vibes to you to find the right writing position and mental stance to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

  10. The Camelback Inn and Mountains are in Scottsdale (Phoenix area), not in Tucson. If I may say so, the Tucson mountain ranges are much more beautiful!

  11. What beautiful views you have, and I am so happy that you're recovering. It must be such a long road.
    I poked around for your email address, but can't find it so please excuse me for leaving a long comment:
    I'd love to add you to my list of local Tucson bloggers, and invite you to a volunteer event that's part of the Mom It Forward network. It's at Ben's Bells (, March 22 from 1-3. You would have 40 "friends" to spread kindness with and you wouldn't have to worry about moving around or walking too much. It would be an honor to have you join us. My name is Becca and I blog at


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!