
Friday, February 4, 2011

A Photo Which Little Cuter Says I Must Publish

The real, no longer anonymous, me sitting next to a famous poet.
Suzi Hileman and Billy Collins
at the Tucson Literary Society Luncheon
February 3, 2011


  1. your beautiful spirit shines through

  2. You both look pleased to be in such fine company.

    And this is the loveliest picture of you.

    And, perhaps you'll try your hand at poetry or try it further or...

  3. Didn't we have fun? What an afternoon!

  4. So great to see you looking happy! xoxo

  5. What a wonderful tonic to lift your spirits!

  6. What a great photo! I think it would be best to
    frame it and hang in some place of honor in your home. Perhaps near where you read, so you can look up and see it!! ...debbie

  7. Great picture. (Please tell me you've got your left hand on his thigh. :))

  8. I am sure he felt just as honored as you did!

  9. OH, what a perk of being perforated :)
    Yes, Kim, it was a wonderful afternoon.
    NO, JES, I kept my hands to myself since his fiancee was sitting by my side.
    Framing and hanging is a great idea, Debbie. I am looking at the exact right spot over my desk.
    As to him feeling honored, I will say that I was told that HE wanted to meet ME.... whether that was gloss from my hostess or the truth, I'm choosing to believe it and revel in it.

  10. Your smile lights up the room.
    Frame it indeed.

  11. You know, I think I'd like to frame that picture myself and add it to the array at my house. Hoping that's okay. I'll have to replace my kaput scanner/printer/whatever machine, though, so I can print it on photo quality paper. Incentive.

  12. AB- A radiant beam, indeed. I could be wrong about this but I remember seeing you on national news not long after the shootings, and marveled at your grace and courage, recounting the events. It is good to see you smiling - proof of the power of healing vibes.
    Btw - I came here by way of Nance, and I'm glad I did. Great reading. ;)

  13. So lovely and what a beautiful smile you have.

  14. That is a keeper, and most worthy of framing!

  15. Fame, that you didn't ask for is sweet nonetheless!


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