
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The World's Best Chain Letter

There are chain letters and then there are chain letters.

Sometimes, the email just makes me want to remove my hair in great clumps.  Sometimes I sigh, wondering why this particular correspondent can't figure out that I never send them back to her --- oh yes, the best ones always want to instill guilt by saying be sure to send it back to me... I want to fire her as my friend.... if I didn't love her so much.... or if she weren't TBG's cousin.  I'm reminded of one of my favorite adages: friends: the family you choose for yourself.  But then I begin to wonder if that means family: the friends you are stuck with.

Anyhow, if you've been reading for a while you know that I often bemoan (ok, I whine about) the fact that it's been harder than I'd anticipated to make friends here in Tucson.  I have a couple of close buddies, but my bench is not as deep as it could be.  I look to the interweb and you, Dear Readers, for the connections I'm trying to develop in my real life here in Tucson.   And I'm obviously not alone in this.  Ronni Bennett, of Time Goes By fame, sent this email about a week ago.  

Hello everyone...

I can no longer count the many wonderful friends I have made in the nearly seven years I have been blogging. Among the very first I came to know is a lovely, funny, bold and special woman who is a friend to many of you too - or, if not a friend, you probably know of her.

Millie Garfield is a pioneer among elderbloggers, one of the first seniors doing it. She is also one of the oldest people blogging - at My Mom's Blog: Her "I Can't Open It" series of videos have become famous on YouTube and in fact, you can see her latest episode posted at her blog today.

It is a great thing to attain a ripe old age and this year, Millie reaches one of those big-deal, must-celebrate birthdays - number 85 - marking the halfway point through her ninth decade.

It has become a tradition, going back to 2005 (this will be the sixth year), for us to celebrate Millie's birthday - 18 AUGUST - on my blog and other people's blogs. If you have done this before, you know the routine:

1. Create a birthday greeting

2. On her big day, 18 AUGUST post it to your blog.

3. Then go to Millie's blog that morning and leave a note in the comments with a link to your blog with her special birthday surprise.

My best,
As the title says, this is the best chain letter ever.  I've been invited to a party and all I have to do is make a birthday card for Millie, a birthday card with sunflowers because she likes them and I like her and I think you will, too.  Just click here and check it out.  My guess is that you'll have a big smile on your face.




ashleigh burroughs
(a  fan)

1 comment:

Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!